Glad Tiding Of ChristGlad Tiding Of Christ

Spiritual sanctuary, community hub


"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." - Romans 8:14.

Spiritual sanctuary, community hub


"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." - Romans 8:14.


Who we are

Embracing diversity and guided by the teachings of Jesus, we strive to create a welcoming sanctuary where everyone can experience the transformative power of God's grace. Join us on this journey of faith, as we uplift each other and serve our community with love.

Apostle Jonathan Kateragga

With great suffering at home, I grew up as an outcast, staying home alone with no education at all. I started working just for food. After some time, I went to the lake, not knowing God at all. I started smoking cigarettes, marijuana, drinking alcohol, and became a good fighter.

Time passed, and I heard that my mother was alive. I went to her, and from there, I started fishing. I went to Kenya for trading, eventually becoming a good businessman. However, I got bewitched for three years. I sought help and tried all ways, but nothing worked. I slept on snakes and desperately wanted help.

During that time, evangelists prepared a crusade. One night, as I was locked in my room, I heard three voices saying, "MUSISI, ONCE YOU WAIT FOR THE EVANGELISTS TO GO WITHOUT YOU GETTING SAVED, YOU WON'T LIKE WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU." With great fear, not knowing who God was, I stayed awake the whole night. In the morning, I went straight to the preachers, and they baptized me.

Since then, I have never backslid from God. He transformed me and revealed Himself to me. He then sent me to a place I knew not, which is Gganda. Up until now, I am still experiencing the goodness of the Lord.

Meet Our Pastors

Pastor John

Pastor Mark Kiyimba

Lead Pastor

After grieving over past actions in his former church, God directed him to 2 Kings 2:12. He sought his spiritual father fervently, fasting and praying on a mountain for three days. God then guided him to an apostle preaching the gospel, confirming him as his spiritual father. Thus, he joined Glad Tiding of Christ International Ministries.

Pastor John

Pastor Kenneth Muwanguzi

Lead Pastor

God spoke to him through voices, dreams, and visions, calling him to ministry while still in school. Despite discouragement, he pursued understanding, eventually finding confirmation at Glad Tiding of Christ International Ministries

Pastor John

Pastor Mbabazi Reginah

Lead Pastor

Invited to a church, heard God's voice saying "not there." Vision warned of death without salvation, directing to Glad Tiding. Fearfully complied, life transformed upon joining.

Pastor John

Pastor Bbaale Sayid

Lead Pastor

Arriving in Gganda to meet my uncle, I found solace in Glad Tiding of Christ. After enduring disappointments in fake churches, I discovered peace, answers, and settled, calling it my church.

Pastor John

Pastor Mayanja Sam

Lead Pastor

Serving in a renowned church, unaware of true service to God, felt lost. Upon entering Glad Tiding Christ International Ministries, found salvation anew and witnessed the hand of the living God.